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 Love You All The Time

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2 participants
What was I made for?
What was I made for?

Messages : 12775
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2009
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Love You All The Time Empty
MessageSujet: Love You All The Time   Love You All The Time EmptyMar 27 Avr - 20:09

Title: Love You All The Time
Author: roundin3rd
Category : Romance/Family
Content: Jim & Pam
Summary: Inspired by the third deleted scene from The Delivery, because Jim had some apologizing to do.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Jim sat in the chair and watched as both mother and daughter slept quietly next to each other. The baby was finally swaddled tightly, correctly. Jim wouldn’t admit it, but he knew Pam was getting better at it.

Pam had heard him talking to the baby earlier, during what he thought was a private conversation between father and daughter. This meant that she accidentally, may have, most likely, heard him say that, “sometimes March comes in like a lion, but that was only your mother.”

He thought her eyes were going to roll back and her head was going to spin completely around. It turns out there is a big difference between sleeping and resting your eyes.

But she’d been asleep now for a little more than an hour and he knew she needed it.

Pam stirred, and Jim looked up from the magazine, “Hey, how’re you feeling, still a little sore?”

Pam reached up and took a sip of water, “yeah, a little, it’s getting better.”

Jim walked over to the bed, helping to put the cup back on the tray. He gently sat down on the bed and placed a tentative hand on her knee, “Hey, uh, I’m sorry about what I said earlier, about the delivery being easy. I just, I know it wasn’t and I want you to know that I’m so proud of you. You did a great job. I mean look at that,” He looked over at the baby, “how could I ever top a gift like that?”

Pam sighed and her voice waivered slightly, “Are you trying to make me cry? Come here.” She wrapped her arms tightly around Jim, “You’ve been doing great. And yeah, I can tell you’re nervous and like to hide behind your snide humor.” She poked him in the ribs, “But we’re a team and we can be nervous together.” She offered him a reassuring smile as he met her eyes. “And you know I love you, like kind of a lot.”

Jim smiled, “Yeah? How much do you love me?”

Pam kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t push it.” She glanced over at the baby, still fast asleep in the bassinet next to them. Pam put her hand over Jim’s, “I think she looks like you.”

“You think?”

“Yeah, I really notice it when she has her eyes open, like a mini-you.”

“Oh good, so she’s probably mine.”

“Jim, really, why would you say that?”

He laughed and leaned closer to her, “just to razz you honey.” He kissed her and rubbed her arm.

“Besides, if she wants to get anywhere in life, she should grow up to be as beautiful as you.”

“Nice save, Romeo.”

“I was going to go down to the cafeteria, you need anything?”

“Some fruit, if they have any.”

“Alright, be back in a bit. Oh and hey, Pam?”


“I love you too, like truckloads, and boatloads even.”

“Goodbye, Jim.”

Not enough for me? You are everything. - Jim Halpert
Love You All The Time Jamboozecruise02
You were the first person I could see as a… person. There was just something about you. - Oliver Queen
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Cangel 'till the end
Cangel 'till the end

Messages : 31562
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2009
Age : 36
Localisation : On the other side

Love You All The Time Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Love You All The Time   Love You All The Time EmptyMer 12 Juil - 0:08

Oooh, j'avais oublié que c'était canon que ces 2-là avaient eu un bébé!

Mignonne petite fic ^^

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“Woman? Is that meant to insult me? I would return the slap, if I took you for a man.” ~ Daenerys Targaryen
You're a lot smarter than you look. Of course, you look like a retard ~ Cordelia Chase
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