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 This Side of Perfect

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2 participants
What was I made for?
What was I made for?

Messages : 12775
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2009
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

This Side of Perfect Empty
MessageSujet: This Side of Perfect   This Side of Perfect EmptySam 5 Juin - 18:29

Title: This Side of Perfect
Author: gnbrules
Category : Romance/Family
Content: Jim & Pam
Summary: The smile says everything.
Spiolers: Set after 5x26
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Jim is mostly quiet on the way home, and Pam would be a little worried about it if he wasn't wearing that smile. It's the smile that says everything, but she can't help but ask anyway. "Happy day, huh, Halpert?"

He shakes his head and smiles wider. "I've never been happier...Pam, there aren't even words to say how happy I am. I can't think of any to do this feeling justice..."

His eyes shine and sparkle, and it seems as if that smile will always and forever be on his face. It makes her fall in love with him just that much more.

"You know, we were supposed to get married first." she says offhandedly. She wants to gage his reaction.

He grins and shrugs, as if he doesn't have a care in the world. "Halperts are notoriously impatient. I came two weeks early, so I should have expected our baby to show me up."

Our baby.

She loves the way it sounds.

"So you're okay with this? I know you wanted to do this the right way. The traditional way."

Jim rolls his eyes. "Tradition is overrated. I'm still going to marry you, and it's not like we weren't planning kids from the very beginning. It's just happening faster, that's all. And I'm so happy, Pam, I can't imagine it being any other way."

She nods and smiles. "Yeah, me too."

Jim smiles and glances over at her. It's the smile that says everything – more than words could ever convey.

She hopes the baby gets his smile.

Not enough for me? You are everything. - Jim Halpert
This Side of Perfect Jamboozecruise02
You were the first person I could see as a… person. There was just something about you. - Oliver Queen
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Cangel 'till the end
Cangel 'till the end

Messages : 31562
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2009
Age : 36
Localisation : On the other side

This Side of Perfect Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This Side of Perfect   This Side of Perfect EmptyMer 12 Juil - 0:10

Absolument trognon This Side of Perfect 565994

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This Side of Perfect Signature

“Woman? Is that meant to insult me? I would return the slap, if I took you for a man.” ~ Daenerys Targaryen
You're a lot smarter than you look. Of course, you look like a retard ~ Cordelia Chase
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